Friday, September 4, 2020

More Battle Honors Spanish Napoleonics


So during the last several months, my laptop has been down and with the Covid situation, I've had a lot of time. I have managed to get plenty of things done. I had been wanting to replace the Spanish artillery I had with Battle Honors so as to match what I already have.


I decided to just paint and add the trail ammo chest. Gives a little more detail to the stand. It would have been nice is the set had opened chests, but I guess that wouldn't look good for putting it on the trail if someone wanted to do so.
I didn't need to paint another infantry unit but the Battle Honors figures are quite nice and I did have one last set of flags that needed to go somewhere. I decided to do this unit with green facings, since I didn't have a battalion with those colors.
Rather than just paint dull brown pants on some models for the worn look, the tiki striped pants were common enough. With a good bush, steady hand and free time, it isn't so bad.
Each bag contains three sets of command. In of itself, that's not bad. What's not real useful is that the command figures are identical and so you don't have an option for a different officer. A small matter to be sure, but Tony Barton did go so far as to model some soldiers with either no shoes or sandals.

 It only occurred to me after I uploaded the pictures and put everything up, but a rear shot of the grenadiers would have been good. I did paint the elaborate flamme according to other designs I could find online. When I get them onto a table some day, I'll capture a shot of them from the rear.

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