Sunday, May 6, 2018

New Napoleonic Scenario Books

In the ongoing publishing of scenario books for the Napoleonic Wars, Michael Hopper's soon to be released scenario books 3 & 4 finish up the 1809 campaign. As long as demand remains, these scenario books will continue to be published. Other theaters and years are planned in the future and this is the time to show our support for the work put into constructing the information into a usable form for wargamers to use.

As with previous scenario books, Michael Hopper has made the information within the scenarios detailed enough to convert to any rule set you use. That flexibility makes these books useful for anyone in Napoleonic gaming. With the expected official announcement of release later this month, be ready to obtain your copy while supplies last. Spread the word and let's support the time and effort put into this creation for our benefit. You can contact Michael about ordering his books at his email address:

You can see my review of the previous two books here.

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