Saturday, March 2, 2013

Napoleonic Fantasy: Flintloque

[My daughter reluctantly holds a stand of some guerrillas who she thinks are mad at her because of their mean faces]

For those who may not have known, some wiley Scots with a very unusual sense of humor created a fantasy line centered around the Napoleonic Wars. Their real introduction came around the skirmish version known as Flintloque and then expanded into larger battles called Slaughterloo. The Elves are French and Dark Elves are Spanish, otters are the Ottomans, dogs are the Austrians, ogres are Confederation of the Rhine, undead are Russians, English and Irish are Orcs (most fitting of all), Portuguese as goblins, the Scots are rats and Italians are toads. Leave anyone out?

So many, many years ago as a child, I played a demo game set up at a game shop. Richard Sharpe was there as Richard Sharke and the game was fun, if somewhat hard to take in visually. It doesn't play like fantasy, so other than some odd looking creatures wearing coats with turnbacks and shakos, it plays like a Napoleonic game. I had purchased the Ferach and Toadini (French and Italians in our thinking) and ended up painting them and trading them off several years later.

That friend I traded them to, had added to his collection troops for every one of the nations now. His only hole in his collection was the Catalucian Dark Elves. Having painted many Spanish in 15mm, painting some 28mm ones wasn't much of a stretch. Since they were free to me if I painted them, I've been working on filling out this force and painting it all up.

I went ahead and decided to paint the line troops according to the army book's depiction rather in the later British supplied blue of the 1812 uniforms. The guerrillas didn't have any real uniform but I used a lot of blue as many of the militias were fond of it. Alternative Armies only made one general figure for this line named Don Juan.

I bought a couple of packs to bulk up the guerrilla units as they are better than the line units. The artillerymen, guns & limbers are still on the painting table. Cavalry will be last. I will wait to do all the grass on the stands when everything is painted up. The line units are a maximum of 20 figures, light/guerrilla infantry are 12 figures and the cavalry as 10 figures. The goal is 2 line, two guerrilla units, 2 guns & limbers and 1 guerrilla cavalry unit. I'm about half way there now. I may even be able to get them on the table for a game by spring.


  1. Didn't know this Scott game! Funny!
    Nice looking figures...can't see the faces, but the overall impresion is really nice!

    1. I'll see about getting a close up shot. The problem isn't the camera, it's my knowledge of what all the settings are for. It's an interesting game. I forgot to mention the Bavarians, or rather, Burrovians who are rabbits. A fun way to bring in some comedy to an otherwise very serious war. Who doesn't want to see rabbits and frogs fighting dogs?

  2. I have often thought that I would rather paint up a Spanish Army as it (ideally) was in 1808, rather than later on. Their uniforms and flags were splendid.

    1. Yes, the early uniforms are really better looking. Later in the war, all armies seemed to suffer a bit in the way of creativity in exchange for economy. Most of my 15mm Spanish are all earlier royal uniforms.

  3. Dito about earlier uniforms. The full glory of the wars was showcased in 1809.

    And that's a lovely little daughter you have there. :--)

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